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 Our solutions support, and empower industry, from the Asia suppliers that rely on us to help them grow their businesses, to the buyers, engineers, and other purchase decision makers that turn to us each year for tools and information that help them find exactly the supplier they need.

Steel, Copper, Brass Pipe 

Steel pipes are long, hollow tubes that are used for a variety of purposes. They are produced by two distinct methods which result in either a welded or seamless pipe. In both methods, raw steel is first cast into a more workable starting form.

Steel, Copper, Brass Pipe 
Complex Alum.,Copper, Brass Casting
Complex Alum.,Copper, Brass Casting

In metalworking and jewellery making, casting is a process in which a liquid metal is somehow delivered into a mold (it is usually delivered by a crucible) that contains a hollow shape of the intended shape.

CNC Fabricating, Welding

CNC machining is a manufacturing process in which pre-programmed computer software dictates the movement of factory tools and machinery

CNC Fabricating, Welding
Sand Casting Mold Making
Sand Casting Mold Making

 Sand molded casting, is a metal casting process characterized by using sand as the mold material. The term "sand casting" can also refer to an object produced via the sand casting process.

 Sand castings are produced in specialized factories called foundries. Over 60% of all metal castings are produced via sand casting process.


 Forging is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of metal using localized compressive forces. The blows are delivered with a hammer (often a power hammer) or a die. Forging is often classified according to the temperature at which it is performed: cold forging (a type of cold working), warm forging, or hot forging (a type of hot working).

Machinery and Equipment 
Machinery and Equipment 

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    2014 Ningbo Temp-A I&E Co., Ltd

      Ningbo consulting firm, temp-a consulting, temp-a company, temp-a consulting, import foods to china, Export Steel, Copper, Brass Pipe, CNC, import wine to china,

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Our solutions support, and empower industry, from the Asia suppliers that rely on us to help them grow their businesses, to the buyers, engineers, and other purchase decision makers that turn to us each year for tools and information that help them find exactly the supplier they need.

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